Viabuild looks beyond borders

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Viabuild International, that's Let's Connect, for a better world. In Europe, the focus is on the construction of data centers. In this way we contribute to better virtual connections. In Africa we contribute to the physical connection by constructing roads and bridges.

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Tel. +32 3 206 25 00 Contact us

Viabuild International is active in both Europe and Africa.

In Europe, the focus is on data centers. Since 2013, Viabuild has been building up great expertise in the construction of data centers for a big tech company in Mons. Recently we also started building a data center in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Many new projects will soon be started up. Expect a lot of new realizations soon.

In Africa, Viabuild International offers a broader service package. In addition to the design and realization of infrastructure and civil engineering works, we also take care of the project financing. We always look for the best solution together with the customer.