Blog post: Sustainability plan update.

Thursday 15 February 2024

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the SDG Pioneer label for our Voka Sustainability Plan 2023.

For our 2023 plan, again 17 actions had been drawn up. In the course of January, they were assessed by Voka, and the result was terrific. To them, from now on we are pioneers and no mere laureates.

Let us take a quick look back on the main objectives and the results achieved.

Action: Litter

SDG 15 and 14

During our safety week from 18 September to 22 September, a number of colleagues made the green border surrounding our offices at Puurs-Sint-Amands litter free. Not less than 54kg of litter have been collected! Moreover, it was encouraging, indeed, to notice how much passers-by appreciated them doing this.

This action was not limited to the vicinity of our offices. Our management team also included it in its activities on the team building programme, which left the banks of the Ourthe slightly neater.

This action has actually moved and motivated our colleagues and as result, Johan, a dispatch department collaborator, decided to intend doing this on a monthly basis. He even managed to rustle up some of his colleagues. This action is sure to become a great team effort!

Action: Having our employees to start the job fit and healthy

SDG 13

Alas, the number of sick days has remained high. One of the ways to try and find out where the problem lies, was the well-being survey we’ve conducted last year. Several actions were distilled from it and further discussed and incorporated during team meetings and toolbox meetings. Furthermore, our HR department continues to organ

ize, together with  supervisors, interviews on absence through illness. Together, we try to be there for our absent collaborators by means of a token of attention (card) and by regularly sounding on how they’re doing. For our people on long-term sick leave, an information sheet is available to guide them through the steps to be taken in case they’re no longer entitled to a guaranteed salary. And we’re in the process of developing a reintegration project and are committed to focusing more on  health.

Action: Energy audits at Grimbergen, Haren and Puurs

SDG 13

These audits were conducted in order to gain insight into the ranking as largest consumers and think about what actions can be taken to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

One action that we’re quite proud of is that, since the month of April 2023, the excess of electricity produced by our solar panels at our offices in Puurs-Sint-Amands can be shared with our plant in Grimbergen. 72,500 kWh have already been shared from April 2023 to December 2023 included.

We also have optimised the settings of the timing system of the existing ecological outdoor lighting at our offices in Puurs-Sint-Amands and have linked the functioning of the extractors of the asbestos decontamination unit to the operation times of this work zone (instead of 24/24h).

Action: Installation of activated charcoal filter to reduce odour emissions

SDG 11

Since the start up in 2023, our asphalt plant in Grimbergen has had an installation including an activated charcoal filter, which is something quite unique in Belgium.

Before the flue gases from the drying process and the asphalt fumes from the loading process pass through the chimney, they are filtered. As a result, we can reduce the smell to 97%!

Action: Road safety – avoiding traffic accidents with injuries


During our safety week from 18 September to 22 September, we reflected on the seven main causes of accidents in our company. We concluded that most accidents happen because of inappropriate driving behaviour, excessive speed preventing to be able to stop in time, and when performing manoeuvres.

Therefore, in the toolbox meeting different aspects were tackled, such as

 attention to be paid when reversing, especially in possible blind spot cases;
 the importance of appropriate speed and the correct driving distance to be kept, the more so to avoid a high number of traffic fines;
 the way to react in case of road rage.

Action: Kom op tegen Kanker (SU2C)

SDG 11

We are very proud that we could and were allowed to participate with 1 team in the Kom op tegen Kanker campaign. Thanks to the numerous initiatives of our colleagues, such as sales of soup, cakes, jewellery and chocolate truffles, deep-frying French fries, selling croque monsieur, a spaghetti feast and also the sale of a number of old computers, and donations from colleagues, we were able to cycle the 1000 km of KOTK during the Ascension weekend in the month of May. Together, we have collected 5500 euros. A bravo to our sporty colleagues and a  big thank you to the many supporters and colleagues who stood by us.


Action: Sustainable mobility

SDG 11

Thanks to the ideal location of our concrete plant in Neder-Over-Heembeek, materials or waste can be disposed of through the canal.

To date, we have transported to 230,000 tons by water, which has a very positive effect towards mobility and CO2  emissions.

Action: Increase of energy efficiency by cleaning of bitumen tanks


Our bitumen tanks in Haren have been cleaned, which will allow us, in the end, to reduce the firing temperature needed to keep our bitumen hot, to a mere 190 degrees instead of 235°C as compared to the start of this action. Quite an achievement that undoubtedly contributes to the more efficient use of energy at Haren.

Action: Encourage reuse of rainwater at Puurs-Sint-Amands and the Haren plant.


Since the beginning of June 2023, our people in ‘Execution’ can use rainwater at Puurs-Sint-Amands. At a collection point, they can have their 1000L site barrels filled, and also the drilling truck of the signalling department can make use of it.
Thanks to this useful alternative, we avoid using countless cubic litres of tap water.
Rainwater is also currently being made available at our Haren plant.

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CO2 Performance ladder

Viabuild is heavily investing in reducing its CO2 footprint. What this means and what the targets are, you can find here!