To provide a better service, Brussels Airport is building two new fire stations on its site. One on the west side and one on the east side, each with an area of 14,000m² – a total of 28,000m². Viabuild will be responsible for building the roads around the two new stations. Its location takes into account the need for short response times, so that quick interventions are possible over the entire airport grounds. This means that some of the work is carried out airside (airport), the area that includes passport and customs control and security checks. For example, the fire stations are directly connected to the nearest taxiways. In close cooperation with the airport inspectorate, a very stringent and quick implementation period is crucial during this challenging project.
Did you know that … large quantities of material for the sub-base and foundations come from our own plants, including the asphalt:
- 12,600 tonnes of broken concrete 0/40 for sub-bases
- 11,000 tonnes of stabilised rubble for foundations
- 4,606 tonnes of asphalt underlayer
- 2,632 tonnes of asphalt top layer
When working on a building, Viabuild implements a strict daily schedule and aims for close cooperation with all contractors involved in the construction. Clear agreements ensure that work progresses smoothly, culminating in the best possible end result.
Construction Wegenis fire stations Zaventem
Brussels Airport Company
€ 1M
April 2018 – currently